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《What a big turnip》教学设计

时间:2013-12-02  来源:  作者:
          《What a big turnip》教学设计
民富园小学 李瑶瑶
2.能运用What a big turnip ! it’s too big. Come on. Please help me. We’re coming! Let me help you! Hooray!等句型表达恰当的情景内容,并熟练运用本课句型进行交流。
1.通过故事学习使学生明白“Union is strength! (团结就是力量)”的道理,能认识到大家应该有困难互相帮助,有快乐一起分享。
3. 培养学生认真观察事物,能借助图片读懂、会说简单的英语小故事,使其敢于、乐于、善于开口讲英语,积极参与交流,树立学好英语的信心,培养探究创新精神,增强合作与竞争意识。
(二)能熟练运用What a big turnip ! it’s too big. Come on. Please help me. We’re coming! Let me help you! Hooray!等句型,并与同伴一起表演再现故事情景。
Step 1 Warming up
1. Greeting
T: Hello, everyone! I’m Miss Liu. I’m new here. I want to be your friend. Do you like studying with me?
2. Free talk  Introduce each other.
3. Sing a song: The Finger Family
Step 2 Preparation
1.  Guess a riddle
T: Today I bring us a good friend. Do you want to know him?
T: My frined has long ears, red eyes and a short tail. He can jump and run. He likes eating carrots and cabbages. Who is he?
2. Chant: A rabbit
3. T:Do you have some friends?
Ss:  Yes.
T:  Who are they? What do they like?
S1: My friend’s name is ... She likes ...
S2: I have … friends.
T: I’m so glad. You all have many friends. But do you know who are rabbit’s friends? Let’s look at the CAI carefully and find out.
4.学生调查自己及rabbit’s friends的情况,完成表格,选两小组汇报结果,描述时用上“My/ His friend is …, He/She likes…”等句型。
T: Good job!Which group wants to report your friends?
S1: Hello! I’m …
S2: Hi! I’m…
Step 3 Pre-reading
1. Teach “turnip”
T: Today I’ll take you a story about our friend rabbit. Look at the CAI, he’s coming. (出示课件A rabbit is playing in the forest.) Find out where is he? Who are coming too? What are they doing?(学生独立看图片阅读,教师板书)
Ss: ...
T: He’s feeling hungry now. What does he see?
Ss: ...
2. Learn“Wow,what a big turnip!“
T:You’re very clever. Suddenly he finds a big turnip, how happy he is!What can he say? ——(出示turnip 模型)
T: I feel very surpise. I can say“Wow,what a big turnip!”
Ss: Wow,what a big turnip!
3. Learn “pull it up”
T: Before you use a pen, what we must do first?
Ss: Open the pen.
T: Yes, we must pull it up first. Fellow me, Pull, pull, pull it up.
(TPR活动,练习“pull it up”)
Ss:Pull, pull, pull it up.
设计意图:引导学生通过TPR活动,感知“ pull it up”的意思,真实体验词语,加深理解。
Step 4  In-reading
T:We know the rabbit wants to eat the turnip, so he does his best to pull the turnip up. Can he pull it up?(学生独立看图片阅读模仿,教师板书)
Ss:No,he can’t.
T:Sure. The turnip is too big, he can’t pull it up. Who wants to act the rabbit?
S1: Oh, it’s too big. I can’t pull it up.
T: The rabbit can’t pull the turnip up. Who can help him?
S1:The dog.
S2: The cat.
S3: …
T: Yes, they can help him. His friends are coming. Do you want to act it? Now please practise in your group.
T: Well done. But the turnip is too big ,they are all thin, they can’t pull it up either. Who can come here and help them? Look at the CAI carefully.
S1: The bear.
S2: Zoom.
T: Yes, he is very strong, he can pull with them. Who wants to act the bear?
Step 5 Post-reading
T: Look at the blackboard. Who pulls the turnip up last?
T: Now please talk about it with your parnter.
Ss:The friends all.
T:Excellent. We can’t do everything by ourselves, but we can ask our friends to help us. Because“Union is strength! ”
Step 6 Progress
T:Do you remember this story? Please tell it to your friends. Did you help others or somebody helped you? please tell your parnter, then act it for us next time.
 What a big turnip !
 It’s too big.
Come on.
Please help me.
We’re coming!
 Let me help you!
兴趣是学习的动力源泉。有了兴趣,学习就不再是一种负担,而是一种乐趣,是对知识的渴望。低年级的英语阅读课是一个教学难点,但经常被视为课外略读内容,由于得不到很好的自学辅导也经常被孩子忽略,成为高年级的学习障碍。本节Story time课,我从孩子已有的知识水平入手,把他们最喜爱、最有表达欲望的“Friends、Animals”做为引入点,重在激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习的能力与合作创新的精神,培养学生综合运用英语的能力。我在课堂上为学生营造了一个轻松有趣的学习氛围,促使学生积极主动地学习英语,并将所学的知识自然有效地运用于生活实际,收到了“现学现用、学用结合”的成效。
 在教学过程中我依据“开放式课堂教学”要求,结合教学内容有意识地充实了丰富有趣、针对性强的开放性游戏活动,使孩子们在“乐中学、学中乐”。有效地提高了学习的趣味性,增强了学生的成就感。另外,在孩子们完全理解故事内容后,我注意抓住教育契机,深入主题使学生明白 “Union is strength!团结就是力量”的道理。我鼓励他们小组合作表演小故事,让所学的知识得到升华,并把升华后的知识转变成为真实交际的能力。
家书|自家的老师 自家的孩子
家书|自家的老师 自家
举办中秋画展 浸润传统文化
举办中秋画展 浸润传